Mosquito Joe of South Shore Long Island NY w East Islip

Stany ZjednoczoneMosquito Joe of South Shore Long Island NY



🕗 godziny otwarcia

146, East Main Street, 11730, East Islip, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-458-5910
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7324402, Longitude: -73.183638

komentarze 5

  • en

    Tom Stassle


    This is the worst company you can ever deal with. If you still have issues after they spray or it rains after you spray they will not respray when you still have a ton of mosquitos. They do not honor there customer garuntee one bit. Instead they tell you to go use another company. They also bill you for more then the service is every month. Very dishonest I would not recommend anyone ever using this company. They also hire kids and put them out there with no masks inhaling the chemical very sad. Want a good company use I now use a different company very professional and they actually get the job done. Shame on you for how you treat customers as well as workers. Again stay far away from this company!!!!! Also to there response I was a customer for over 3 years and this is how the treat people. Don’t let them fool you. They don’t honor there garuntee and won’t respray like there supposed even after torrential rains. Lastly there very disrespectful on the phone and they charge when they want. Watch your bank account.

  • spiritofthegun



    Great customer service and customer loyalty. Highly recommend to anyone

  • Christine Earls

    Christine Earls


    The owners and staff go over and beyond to help their customers. Great people I look forward to using their services every year.

  • en

    Anna Lullo


    This is an amazing service- thanks to Mosquito Joe I got my back yard back! Best part is that they use all natural products! Will definitely be using them again next season!

  • en

    Amanda Weiss


    Wonderful company, can't say enough about how nice everyone is and most importantly how amazing it works..I am actually able to enjoy being outside again with my family. We have not gotten one mosquito bite in the 4 weeks we have used your company so far!

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