Moose Track Garage Doors LLC w New City

Stany ZjednoczoneMoose Track Garage Doors LLC



🕗 godziny otwarcia

42, Germonds Road, 10956, New City, Rockland County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-608-0551
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.120693, Longitude: -73.996672

komentarze 5

  • Courtney Hall

    Courtney Hall


    The BEST! I called them at 2 pm explaining my garage door was buckling and not opening they were out at the house by 5pm. Door was fixed in less than an hour. They were extremely helpful and explained what had gone wrong. When I upgrade my doors this is who I plan on hiring for the job. What a great find!

  • Marita Smith

    Marita Smith


    Excellent!!! Great customer service. They came on time and did a wonderful job. Very reasonably priced also. We had been looking for someone to replace our garage doors for a while and are very happy with went with Moose Track. Highly recommended!!!!!!

  • en

    Kevin L.


    HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!! Kevin and his partner showed up right on-time, inspected my troubled garage doors (x2) and provided a very competitive pricing. They are friendly and absolute professional. They've fixed everything and tested several times and made necessary adjustment till everything worked right. Kevin even recommended against my request to install a new Opener (and save money) after inspecting an existing opener. He said it would last few more years and no need to replace now. They've also installed a very beautiful/new garage doors on my next door neighbor's house and the owner is very happy with Kevin's service. For your garage door/opener installation & repair, I would Highly Recommend Kevin & his partner at Moose Track Garage Doors!

  • en

    Jeffrey Levin


    Found Moose Track Garage Door thru Home Depot. I received a call back same day. Service was done efficiently and quickly. Matt provided me with an upfront quote over the phone. I would use Moose Tracks again.

  • Shanavas Kv

    Shanavas Kv


    They installed garage door opener through Home Depot contract on our manual door. The installation and opener was prepaid at HD. At the time of installation, it was determined that we need quick turn brackets for the door due to low clearance. We were charged additional $120 for the brackets installed. However, I found they cost only $21 a pair online. Other than that, the opener was installed quickly and efficiently.

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