Moolah Lanes i St. Louis

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterMoolah Lanes



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3821, Lindell Boulevard, 63108, St. Louis, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 314-446-6866
internet side:
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Latitude: 38.6391319, Longitude: -90.23901

kommentar 5

  • en

    Ashley Jackson


    I had a horrible experience I felt racial discrimination due to how they treated me as a young black women. Each time I played music on juke box there were whispering going on. Although I was playing kid friendly songs. My daughter is 8 and loves dancing and singing.No good customer service towards us.I was with my daughter and her father and it's ashame how we felt.

  • Teresa Loane

    Teresa Loane


    They ripped my bf and I off on a date we payed for 2 games and they only gave us one game...don't go here they'll scam you out of your money

  • Alyssa L

    Alyssa L


    While my friends had a great time on Tuesday and Thursdays, the Friday night guy was rude and not accomadating at all. We would have bought drinks but at 50 cents for a cup of water it was not worth it. So silly and rude. Don't expect to play pool either. Even when not reserved they won't let you use the table.

  • Jesse Schedivy

    Jesse Schedivy


    I like the coziness of this bowling alley. Doesn't seem to be crowded with private parties as often as other bowling alleys

  • en

    Donovan Callender


    Great atmosphere. Better staff. Great late night hang out spot.

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