Monthly Auto Sales w Arlington

Stany ZjednoczoneMonthly Auto Sales



🕗 godziny otwarcia

909, West Division Street, 76012, Arlington, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 817-459-8010
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.7392009, Longitude: -97.1179647

komentarze 5

  • Elizabeth R

    Elizabeth R


    Melvin and Willie did such a great job and I am SO happy with my brand new car! They worked hard for me! They got exactly what I was looking for and exactly what I needed! I have never owned a brand new car before and they made it possible for me!! They’re very professional and easy to work with. Even for those of us who don’t have the greatest of credit! Very honest and good people! I would highly recommend them to anyone who’s in the market for buying a new car! Thank you guys!

  • Mrs. PC TGBTG

    Mrs. PC TGBTG


    Best car buying experience ever. Melvin would not take no for an answer when the Bank denied me He kept on and finally got me approved and my monthly payment where I wanted it to be. Must go pay him a visit. With no money down

  • en

    leonard dooley


    I had a great experience buying a car here. Willie and Melvin took awesome care of me and my wife getting us in the car we wanted for no money down and a lower payment than expected. I have been and will continue to recommend monthly auto sales to anyone who asks me about a good place to buy a vehicle

  • en

    Ryan Adair


    Nice people and they will do what they can to get you into a car. The whole process was short and painless. If you need some help ask for Melvin and tell him Ryan Adair sent you.

  • Shelley Hunt

    Shelley Hunt


    When they tell you over the phone that you’re approved, it’s really a pre-qual. They haven’t looked at your credit. Their inventory isn’t all on the lot. You don’t get a tour of their inventory. You have to ASK if they have other cars. The cars that they have there on the lot aren’t detailed for company/potential buyers to look at. The customer service is dry. Not necessarily rude...just dry.

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