Montebello/ Commerce Metrolink Station w Montebello

Stany ZjednoczoneMontebello/ Commerce Metrolink Station


brak informacji

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Montebello, CA 90640, USA
kontakt telefon: +1 800-371-5465
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.0069843, Longitude: -118.1256501

komentarze 5

  • Rene Torres

    Rene Torres



  • en

    Antoni Jozef


    There is no shade or protection from the rain Bad design and waste of money

  • Marco Morales

    Marco Morales


    Excellent parking area available 24/7

  • en

    Philomina Nwarueze


    I love the cleanliness of the environment as well as the water fountain. The sound of the water splashing is very soothing to me. I also love the little trees. I remember when they were newly planted. They are growing well and they have both green and white leaves. I feel safe knowing that the station always has security guards around. I love getting on my rattling shuttle. Its free and it gets me to work. The drivers are alway so polite. I also love to the mural on the opposite side of the track. It is so intelligently painted. It depicts a beautiful garden. I stared at it for about 20 minutes yesterday as if I could touch the flowers. The big tree on the left side of the picture looked so real that it even had a shadow. I will add that picture too. It is of big roses in front progressing back to several rows of flower garden, to 2 power plants, and far away mountains. It is as if the landscape is really there. I also like the benches. I can seat and relax. I only wish there were better covers to protect me from the rain or wind when I am waiting for the train. I also love the free parking. I think the Montebello- Commerce station is the best looking, comfortable, thoughtfully designed station now.

  • Los Angeles Rail Productions

    Los Angeles Rail Productions


    Nice station on the Union Pacific Los Angeles Subdivision with a nice variety of trains per day.

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