Molto Carino w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneMolto Carino


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

335, Sand Lane, 10305, Richmond County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-273-5556
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.5917361, Longitude: -74.0675894

komentarze 5

  • en

    Anna Lenart


    Great experience. Very professional staff. Kasia will make you look great!

  • en

    Bu Hoo


    Great, professional, pleasant staff who make you look and feel better.

  • en

    M MJ


    I have been coming here for years. They are quick, professional and most of all, efficient with your time. I am not sure why anyone would get upset that they can't be seen during someone else's appointment time. Yes there are 3 girls here, but only 2 do hair so just make an appt like everyone else. I have never had an issue! They are a wonderful staff. Wouldn't go anywhere else. They also use quality hair dye (Goldwell) from Europe. Love them!!

  • Kim



    They turn customers away, don't waste your time. There were three hair stylists in the salon when I walked in during the afternoon. Two women were already getting their hair done so that leaves one woman to cut my hair right? Wrong. She turned me away and told me to come back tomorrow and could not pencil me in two days from now either. I will admit, it seemed like she was making a small attempt by asking her coworker to cut my hair while I was still there but the coworker still said "NO." I do not know what their deal is but it would have been convenient for me to get my haircut there, seeing as how its down the street from my new house and it happened to be my day off but I guess they did not want my business. Note: This was my first time at this salon and now I do not plan on ever going back.

  • en

    Paul Vigliarolo


    Polite, courteous,, Friendly and very accommodating to your time and needs.My wife and I have been clients since they opened.

najbliższy Salon piękności

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