Molten Java i Bethel

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterMolten Java



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213, Greenwood Avenue, 06801, Bethel, Fairfield County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 203-739-0313
internet side:
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Latitude: 41.3717684, Longitude: -73.4162376

kommentar 5

  • Ellen M

    Ellen M


    Amazing hot chocolates. Sometimes can be inconsistent, depending on who’s working. Great atmosphere for school work OR meeting with friends 😊 Must haves; CBC burrito Krakatoa hot cocoa Chili Hummus & pita Chai latte

  • Elizabeth



    The cutest cafe! The atmosphere is so loving, welcoming, and relaxing. Staff is wonderful. Lots of fun and unique drinks and food options! Great for vegans!! So happy to find a new favorite place :)

  • Jimmy Gonzalez

    Jimmy Gonzalez


    The coziest coffee shop to get something amazing to drink and get lost in a book while listening to soft jazz. (Well that was my experience today) Love this place! Haven't been? Why? Sit inside or out on the porch. The place isnt just coffee but they also sell lots of cool things.

  • Anthony LoFrisco Jr

    Anthony LoFrisco Jr


    Eclectic coffee/breakfast spot in an old victorian house. The coffee and huge breakfast sandwich were excellent and inexpensive, even considering the bacon, egg and cheese were all cooked together. Tons of seating between two brightly-colored rooms. There are board games to play with, books to read and oddball items for sale.

  • Zarina



    Loved this place. Built on an old Victorian house. Inside and outside sitting available. vibrant ambience. Variety of cold and hot drinks available as well as food. Parking available on site. Very courteous and helpful staff. Highly recommend. Very uplifting environment, I definitely left very satisfied.

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