Moloney's Lake Funeral Home & Cremation Center w Lake Ronkonkoma

Stany ZjednoczoneMoloney's Lake Funeral Home & Cremation Center



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132, Ronkonkoma Avenue, 11779, Lake Ronkonkoma, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-588-1515
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.82561, Longitude: -73.111521

komentarze 5

  • Lexi Bear

    Lexi Bear


    The death of my brother was hard enough without the staff at Maloney’s rushing my traditional Buddhist ceremony, mocking my brother’s traditional Laos name, and keeping the room at 40 degrees refusing to raise the heat. I trusted the staff at Maloney’s in Lake Ronkonkoma to take good care of my beloved brother whom I loved more than I can put into words and they treated him like he was just another dead body. During the funeral I felt like I was in another dimension; like seeing my brother lifeless in a casket was just a terrible dream I couldn’t wake from. I couldn’t move - I couldn’t breathe. I just stared into nothingness hoping he would somehow wake up and we would be back at our parent’s house watching our children play together. The realization that I would never see my brother again was intensified when a staff member aggressively approached me to ask me, “how long until the Monks come? Because it’s 2pm and you have only till 3:00pm, you know that right?” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. He did not even attempt to hide the coldness and irritation in his voice. I didn’t know how to respond or even what to say. I was speechless as I tried to piece together the words he had just spoken. It is Buddhist tradition that the family members walk with the casket into the crematorium to press “the button”. My step-father spoke with the manager that morning and paid an extra $200 with the assumption that we would press “the button” that would officially take my brother from this earth and return him to ashes. When the time came (2:30pm), staff urshered (more like ran us out) my entire family out into the parking lot and out to the crematorium where one of the staff members stopped us, spread out his arms and coldly said “ok thank you for coming” as if we were at his Open Mic Night show. The other staff member that accompanied us acted as if we were cutting into his lunch hour with how fast he closed the crematorium doors! This place stole our money, counted every second and threatened to charge us more if we didn’t “hurry it along”. Worst yet, they did not allow us to fulfill our culture’s tradition of pressing the button despite taking the $200 they charged us earlier that morning that would allow us to do so. Later on, we found out to physically press the button was an extra $150! The $200 paid that morning was to just walk the casket out to the crematory!! When everything was said and done, I got into my car and looked at the time it was 2:45p!!! We paid for the service till 3:00pm!! I understand that funerals are a business but they’re in the business of PEOPLE; real people who are suffering deeply from the loss of a loved one. To this day I can’t believe my brother is gone and what’s worse, he was mistreated in his last hours in physical form. I WILL NEVER FORGIVE MALONEY’S. I WILL NEVER FORGET THE PAIN I FELT LEAVING THEIR PARKING LOT FEELING LIKE A DOLLAR SIGN. $8900 later the sting of his death is still fresh and the anger only gets more and more intense. Shame on you Maloney’s. SHAME ON YOU.

  • en

    Joanne K


    I would like to Thank the staff last night. For staying open in the blizzard so we could be with our Dad

  • en

    Jill Pond


    My family and I recently went through the painful experience of having to lay our beloved husband and father to rest. At a time of extreme emotional vulnerability and confusion, they gently guided us every step of the way. Their sensitivity and respect for every detail and question was comforting in a way that helped us through this ordeal. This is not the first funeral we have arranged on Long Island, but the Moloney brothers treated us like family while maintaining a level of professionalism that allowed us the freedom to focus on our grief. The Kenneth Pond Family

  • Gloria Molos

    Gloria Molos


    Dear Isabel, You will truly be missed. Rest in peace dear friend. Love Gloria.

  • John Carillo

    John Carillo


    The place is nice and the staff as well.

najbliższy Dom pogrzebowy

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