Moloko i Portland

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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3967, North Mississippi Avenue, 97227, Portland, Multnomah County, US USA
kontakter telefon: +1 503-288-6272
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Latitude: 45.5518088, Longitude: -122.6757766

kommentar 5

  • Jelle Böhm

    Jelle Böhm


    Coole Bar mit Aquarien.

  • Michelle McLeod

    Michelle McLeod


    Love the idea of fish tanks in a bar! It gives a feeling of Zen while you're having a drink and socializing. I didn't get a chance to check out the patio in the back, since it was colder that night, but I'm sure it allows extra room since the space in the bar itself is kind of limited. :-)

  • Smevin Bravis

    Smevin Bravis


    This place will chic you to death. Really good drinks, great service, and the aquariums along with the indoor lighting really made the interior pop.

  • Micah Morton

    Micah Morton


    This place has one of the most friendly atmospheres I've ever had the pleasure of experiencing. The staff are amazing, quick, and friendly. If you like aquariums, you'll love the mesmerizing tanks with gorgeous specimens that appear well cared for and happy.

  • Bimal Sandhu

    Bimal Sandhu


    Love this bar! Great place to stop by when bar hopping along mississippi ave. We had gin drinks for all day happy hour on Monday night. When we got there we were the only people there, which of course makes for great service! We were basically just hanging out with the bartender, it was awesome. The place got significantly busier by the time we left. There is also a cute heated patio, fish tanks everywhere, super chill vibes and great service! I can't wait to go back! Hot Toddy was awesome too!

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