Modern Market w Phoenix

Stany ZjednoczoneModern Market



🕗 godziny otwarcia

4901, East Ray Road, 85044, Phoenix, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 480-462-2102
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.3193765, Longitude: -111.9779379

komentarze 5

  • Steve Geislinger

    Steve Geislinger


    Friendly open place, quick counter service etc. Good food, ample portions.

  • en

    Abigail Evans


    This place takes a good portion of my check because I go there so often

  • Amber Salazar

    Amber Salazar


    Diners order and pick-up at the counter. There are many good menu choices for: sandwiches, salads, protein bowls and plates with great side options. Plus a good kids menu. We ordered a salad and plate, both with pork - they were fresh and the pork had a great flavor. We went for dinner around 615pm on a Tuesday and it wasn't busy, we had plenty of seating options and our food came out quickly. Staff was also great, they were friendly and accommodating to diet restrictions. A good alternative to Panera or Wildflower Bakery (just not many options for baked goods).

  • B E

    B E


    Perfectly cooked. Portions are little less for the price. Awesome food. Detailed nutrition info in bill 😀

  • MelM



    Modern Market is one of my favorite new places. I love the entree options, love the curry bows, and the fact that they have so many gluten free options (plus gluten free cookies EVERY DAY) is awesome. The service is great and the food is very fresh. I do think there's some room for improvement in pricing of certain items. When you order a sandwich, you don't really get a side with it. You're paying a lot for just a sandwich with a side of cabbage that, personally, no one in my family has enjoyed so far. To add any kind of side on (outside of the little pile of cabbage) gets rather expensive for a lunch meal. If they were to include a "real" side, I think the value for the meal would be much more worth it overall.

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