Miyako Hotel Los Angeles i Los Angeles

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Forenede StaterMiyako Hotel Los Angeles


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328, East 1st Street, 90012, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 213-617-2000
internet side: www.miyakoinn.com
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Latitude: 34.0496734, Longitude: -118.2402369

kommentar 5

  • en

    Denny Pie


    Amazing staff provides friendly service. Rooms are clean and comfortable. Highly recommend when staying in Los Angeles.

  • Patrick Fuentes

    Patrick Fuentes


    This review is based off the promotional rate, which included a room of their choosing as well as free parking, your mileage may vary. But with that out of the way, our first impression of the lounge as well our room were in contrast to the area around it. The locale around Little Tokyo is homely with a touch of Japan. The inside was sharp, stunning and inviting. Upon reaching out room, we were greeted to a modern interior. It was comfortable and we never felt out of place, whether we in the comforts of our room or interacting with the staff. And speaking of the locale, you have the mall a few steps away, it's like you have a little bit of Japan coming with you for a stay. It was everything we could ask for. We will be booking again with Miyako and recommend to those looking to those who want to dive into a place away from home to call home.

  • en

    Samantha Smith


    Loved the hotel. Loved the room. I was told I got a renovated room. So I would suggest requesting one. It was modern and clean. It even had a toilet douche which was a nice detail. Staff was polite. Why I didnt give them a 5 is because i almost missed my connecting flight and had I, i wouldn't have gotten to l.a until the next morning meaning I wouldn't have needed the room. They have a ridiculous no refund policy once you book. So beware if your plans are not 100% do not book this hotel.

  • en

    Nicole Park


    This hotel is so quiet despite being in the heart of Little Tokyo. The Japanese Village Plaza is right next to it so there are a lot of stores to buy wonderful souvenirs and eat lots of great food. This is an Asian hotel so expect the beds to be slightly harder than usual. The bidet is a great plus if you're accustomed to it. There is also a cafe on the first floor as well as a restaurant on the 2nd. The hotel is so quiet that getting a good night's sleep is a given at this hotel. The staff is also kind. I am definitely recommending this hotel to any friends who are going to LA.

  • Todd Hansen

    Todd Hansen


    Rooms are comfortable enough and clean. Bidet is not common. Did not get to try out restaurant. I was missing a closet to hang up my clothes overnight let them breathe and de wrinkle. Staff was very helpful. A man even carted our bags up to our room for us.

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