Miramar-Alvarado LLC i Los Angeles

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterMiramar-Alvarado LLC


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200, South Alvarado Street, 90057, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 213-413-6968
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Latitude: 34.0637089, Longitude: -118.2718386

kommentar 5

  • en

    Cristian Najera


  • en

    Eduardo Dominguez


  • Carolina Hernandez

    Carolina Hernandez


    I had a horrible experience at this place the owner is rude! So I went with my boyfriend and My boyfriend was going to vacuum the car we parked rite beside the money changer and out of nowhere this man approached us while he was on his phone! And he says to stop him still being on his phone hasn’t hung up my boyfriend and I are looking at him like ... okay does the machine not work or what? And this man now tells us where’s your car when we are rite beside it, my boyfriend says we’re going to vacuum and then the man says to vacuum the car you need 20 dollars and then I’m like where do you get 20 $ from and he says I don’t know look at you! you guys have all this money! So I’m like we are sorting out to get dollars!!! He says this is my business so then I regret going here! Lost a customer for sure.

  • Justin Michael

    Justin Michael


    I love this place. Usually can just pull up and drive right into a car wash bay. I use the credit card feature, saves you money in the long run because it will only charge you a max of ten bucks. Bring your own shammies and car cleaner stuff, they only have machines that dispense a shammy for a dollar.

  • en

    Natalie Mazariegos


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