Mint Dental DC i Washington

Forenede StaterMint Dental DC



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329, Rhode Island Avenue Northeast, 20002, Washington, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 202-529-6468
internet side:
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Latitude: 38.919343, Longitude: -77.0008919

kommentar 5

  • Amber Porter

    Amber Porter


    I’ve been going to Mint Dental for over 3 years. It started with a painful tooth, which turned into needing an implant. I’ve had a lot of dental work done here and it’s been a great experience every single time. Dr. Kassam is an excellent dentist and has given great advice over the course of my changing jobs and insurance levels. I also love the dental hygienist, assistants, and admin staff. I honestly hate the idea of moving away from DC because I’ll lose the service I’ve received from Mint. Highly recommend them.

  • en

    jennifer Anderson


    I am a travel nurse, temporarily in DC. My crown came off while I was at work. I was able to get a same day appointment and have my crown cemented back in place. I was fearful that I might have to go through a sales pitch and would be talked into a new crown, but that didnt happen. I highly recommend, especially to the out of towners who have dental emergencies.

  • Deidra Nixon

    Deidra Nixon


    Love this office!! everyone is so kind and accommodating, Dr. Kassam is amazing! She kept me very informed throughout my procedure and even had me laughing during a root canal. Just awesome!!

  • Jason Gibson

    Jason Gibson


    They take great care of me. I've used them for routine & urgent needs. Always accommodating, very pleasant staff & efficient service.

  • Enid Ann

    Enid Ann


    Lots of shiny new gadgets ! Run like a used car shop - Big sells pitch and no real concern for patients. The dental assistant is like the cosmetic saleswoman who says that your skin is a little dry so she can sale you a bigger product. I went twice, the first visit I was sold $40 mouthwash and made a down payment on a cleaning that I didn't have, see I had to come back for that - and I did and was told I needed a deep cleaning. by the aforementioned dental hygenist. and I had to come back for that - and be numbed. When I asked Dr. Kassan why she didn't alert me to this before, she shrugged. Check the Yelp Reviews too! Wish I had out of pocket for more than $100.

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