MINI of Tempe w Tempe

Stany ZjednoczoneMINI of Tempe



🕗 godziny otwarcia

7855, South Test Drive, 85284, Tempe, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 480-421-4700
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.3457552, Longitude: -111.9654444

komentarze 5

  • Nicholas Strasner

    Nicholas Strasner


    Chris Graczyk was fantastic to work with! I have very specific specifications I was looking for with my new MINI and after a day of searching to find exactly what I want we decided to place an order. He made the process so easy and very exciting for me. As a 25 year old, and covered in tattoos, I often find it difficult to find someone willing to work with me for expensive purchases and things that only "adults" would do. He went above and beyond to make sure I not only got exactly what I wanted but that I understood each and every option and which ones were not necessary immediately. I will absolutely return to this dealership for any maintenance and future purchases!

  • Joshua Krzywicki

    Joshua Krzywicki


    Driving through AZ when the AC goes out. No big deal since i know the part is only $300 that it needs so maybe $600 tops right? Haha! They knew we were military and we had to be at a base soon so they charged $2,100 for 2 hours of labor, 1 quart of oil and a new AC compressor. $300 AC Compressor $60 Oil That means the labor was $899 per hour. If you have a ton of money and do not mind people taking advantage of your situation then by all means go here as the work was well done. This was quite literally highway robbery. edit: after contacting the dealer (as requested from the response they gave me) i have not heard from them in over a week. It seems that them replying on here means nothing and all they want is the appearence of clearing things up. Edit 2: Over a month later and they have completly ignored me contacting them and refuse to contact me back. Again, they want to make it appear they have been nice to the customer and fixed things when they have done anything but that. They have a copy-paste response to bad reviews and never bother to follow up or likely even read the review. Edit 3: 8 months later and we have yet to hear anything from this dealer.

  • Dan Washburn

    Dan Washburn


    Love the car, not impressed with the service manager. It came out of service with a problem it did not have going in and with a quote for another $540 I declined the repair. With several chances to make it right, we were not able to come to mutually beneficial solution. It was a very inexpensive sensor. Fixed the next day for $140....complete, installed with Mini OEM part. Great car! Love my Clubman!

  • Paige Vosburgh

    Paige Vosburgh


    We just stopped in to look at a couple of color options that MiniScottsdale didn’t have so I told the salesman that.. which didn’t seem to stop Frank Kayali from offering us the best customer service! It was 7:30p.m. when we arrived, but he took the time to tell us about the differences in the options... so many thanks for all of your expertise. 🚗🚗🚗 if you are looking to buy a Mini ask for Frank when you go!

  • en

    Amanda Witherow


    Had to get a recall fixed on my 2003 Mini Cooper. When called in there was actually two recalls and they got us in the next morning and had my Mini fixed by 4 pm that day. When we went to go pick it up I noticed that it was even cleaner than when I dropped it off! They were really nice and they did not try to sell anything to us to try and fix something else on the car (which there is a few things that need to be fixed). All in all, fast and easy experience!!

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