Mindy Ash Hypnosis Centers w Las Vegas

Stany ZjednoczoneMindy Ash Hypnosis Centers



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3960, Howard Hughes Parkway, 89169, Las Vegas, Clark County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 702-721-0370
strona internetowej: www.mindyash.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 36.1168366, Longitude: -115.1570729

komentarze 5

  • Marlene Cherchar

    Marlene Cherchar


    With sincere gratitude, I thank you Mindy Ash for the recent sessions focusing on my self confidence. At 66 years of age, one would think that they had all the answers and that life has all worked itself out. I have not been in a relationship for more than 6 years, and financially I can not retire due to poor planning and decisions made up to this point. Rather than dwell on the negative, I took the initiative to call for help. I have worked with Hypnotherapists in the past and have felt the most comfortable with Mindy. She is sincere, caring and gifted. Thank you for helping me to learn to believe in myself again and love myself unconditionally.

  • Lisa Hendrickson

    Lisa Hendrickson


    I worked with Mindy to work out lingering issues from many years ago, sometimes small bites come back to life and Mindy really helped to put them back where they belong, in the past! I enjoy working with her, and will more than likely work with her again on some weight loss goals.

  • en

    Angela Canlas


    A couple of people I know went to see Mindy Ash and recommended I see her to help me in certain areas of my life. I noticed a significant difference even after the very first session. I was not as anxious or fearful like I use to be.

  • en

    Julie Jonson


    I have used hypnosis for helping me with stress and anxiety. I've been to a few hypnotherapists and Mindy is very experienced and knows her stuff. After talking to her I stopped saying negative things to myself and started feeling a lot more confident. I now have a much better understanding of hypnosis and it's not so much like what you see on the strip. Hypnosis feels great and I really enjoyed my sessions and will go back again next time I want to make a change. Thanks Mindy for all of your help!

  • en

    Diane Barnett


    I am totally amazed in just a few sessions my sleeping improved after a life time of not sleep well, I now sleep like a baby. My inability to control my sugar eating is gone and I now eat healthy regular meals and I have no desire to go back to sugar at all. And my anxiety and panic attack issues are a thing of the past. I saw Mindy on the Morning Blend TV show and I gave her a call and I am so glad that I did because it changed my life. Mindy, thank you so much.

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