Милл Крик Марш Трейл en Secaucus

Estados UnidosМилл Крик Марш Трейл



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Mill Creek Marsh Trail, 07094, Secaucus, Hudson County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1
sitio web: www.njsea.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.7950877, Longitude: -74.0508778

comentarios 5

  • en

    Lemuel Alberdi


    Beautiful hidden spot in the Meadowlands. Wildlife, vegetation and marshs with trails to walk around in a peaceful environment. Entrance is hidden next to a shopping center. Very clean and well kept. Good for joggers and nature photography lovers.

  • Owen Barnes

    Owen Barnes


    Great place for a walk. I do wish they'd do a "poop sweep" here and there. Geese have no regard for walking paths.

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    Nora Lazo


    I came here today because is Earth Day cleanup. I saw different kinds of birds. It was a great experience.

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    We walked the well defined trail during the summer and completely enjoyed the experience. The trail is easy with very compact dirt and tiny stone. Some short sections do have boardwalk. During the afternoon there is minimal shade, bring sunglasses, sunblock and hat or umbrella to block the bright afternoon sun. The trail is self guided with informational signs (some signs are faded from sun exposure) about the animals and vegetation in the area. Although the Turnpike is close by the traffic noise is minimal and only in a few spots do you see the highway. The Marsh Trail is a relaxing way to spend an hour or two strolling through nature. Highly recommended.

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    Peter Greenberg


    Nice trail through the marsh, great for birdwatching (herons and shorebirds in summer, ducks other times). Tree people (we exist!) will enjoy looking for aromatic sumac bushes and persimmon trees. Views of Manhattan, and yes you can count the cars on the New Jersey Turnpike and look for America too.

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