MILANO Doors & Kitchens w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneMILANO Doors & Kitchens



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2441, Flatbush Avenue, 11234, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-377-0330
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6110218, Longitude: -73.9233471

komentarze 5

  • Richard Green

    Richard Green


    Haven't been there yet

  • en

    franklin Mcintosh


    Outstanding customer service.. Doors are very pretty and I always get my order before the date promise...

  • en

    David Charles


    The doors came 3 months later than promised, It was the wrong model and color. After I refused to take the doors they told me they would charge me a 15% restocking fee. Management refused to refund my money and insisted it was the correct door.

  • en

    Sergio Chilton


    I have two small children! They have the bedroom! And it is ridiculous and annoying at the same time, but my kids have depicted all door with the felt-tip pens! How many I didn't try to erase their arts, all efforts were vain. Then i with the husband just have decided to buy a new door! We have found this website, in it there was just suitable door, and we have ordered it. To admit, doors have come very good! I am under an impression! I hope my kids won't spoil a new door!

  • en

    Albert Davydov


    Excellent service, excellent doors, I was very impressed with quality and timely delivery of my doors. No other place could deliver the doors on such short notice. I had 1 week to supply the doors to my contractor, Milano Doors was the only place that had my confidence and they did not let me down. I was looking for white doors, Milano Doors had them in stock and delivered in 1 week. Plus they cut them to size and delivered pre-hung with magnetic locks installed. The locks are very good quality and hidden hinges are a big bonus. I highly recommend Milano Doors to all. They did doors for many of my family members. We will continue to recommend them. Word of advise is not to wait till last minute, you will have more choices. I left it till last minute, but thankfully, Milano Doors came through for me. Five star service!!! Photo of recently installed sliding door is attached.

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