Midtown East Physical Therapy w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneMidtown East Physical Therapy



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20, East 46th Street, 10017, New York, New York County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 347-289-7764
strona internetowej: www.midtowneastphysicaltherapy.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.755514, Longitude: -73.977926

komentarze 5

  • Charlotte Platt

    Charlotte Platt


    Dmitry is the best PT! From the moment I walked in the door with unknown knee pain, he reassured me that he’d get me back to recovery in no time. And he did! He was also super flexible about my payment schedule and helped me find an orthopedic doctor promptly. When your physical health is jeopardized, it’s always refreshing to meet health professionals who go above and beyond to making sure your injury does not need to be more stressful than it already is. I definitely recommend going to Dmitry and would use him again.

  • Ye Zhang

    Ye Zhang


    Dr. Dimtry is amazing. He is so expert and knows how to fix it right away. I definitely feels a difference after each treatment! Highly recommended.

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    Sarah Jiao


    Dimitry has been very helpful in relieving my neck, should, and lower back pain. He was recommended by my several colleagues and I would definitely recommend him to everyone.

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    lola shapiro


    I’ve been coming to Greg for my shoulder pain and I can’t rave enough about him. He is a “Healer” and makes me not only feel better but has a great personality and bedside manner. I recommend this place highly!!!

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    Taverney 4


    Greg is one of the best therapists I have ever seen. My doctor insisted that surgery is THE only way for my knee issues. Within two months of PT with Greg, I ditched my knee brace and went back to normal life and excercise! The doctor was astonished by the results. This is not the only reason why I love this practice. The availability and flexibility in making and changing appointments makes his practice, in my view, a unique business model that each private practice in NY should follow! Due to my unpredictable work schedule I often have to change my appointment last minute, not only that he accommodates me but also makes it feel easy and normal! Greg is an exceptional therapist with an outstanding work ethic and a vision for exceptional medical service (which does not exist in NYC!).

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