Midland Family Dental Care of Wyckoff en Wyckoff

Estados UnidosMidland Family Dental Care of Wyckoff



🕗 horarios

243, Morse Avenue, 07481, Wyckoff, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 201-485-8847
sitio web: midlandfamilydental.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.0102704, Longitude: -74.1698923

comentarios 4

  • en

    Laura Marino


    Dr. Puccio and the Staff are very friendly, professional, and extremely knowledgeable!!!! Thank you Dr. Puccio for being the best dentist !!!!

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    Gabriella Vitamia


    Staff is very friendly and welcomed me with a smile. It's almost like I'm apart of their family! Definitely recommend this dental practice!

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    Marchi D


    I am always happy with my appointments at Midland Family Dental. Everyone is always friendly and the staff is very knowledgeable. Dr Puccio exceeds my expectations every visit!! I highly recommend them to everyone!!!

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    Jackie A


    Dr. Puccio & his staff are very knowledgeable and caring professionals. I always feel at ease and comfortable at each and every visit. From the moment I walk in, the friendly front desk staff are there to greet me and make sure everything is always in order. Dr. Puccio's work is second to none! The hygienists and assistants are both skilled and make me feel right at home. The office itself is state of the art and very clean! I highly recommend Dr. Puccio & his staff for your dental needs!

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