MidFirst Bank Corporate i Oklahoma City

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterMidFirst Bank Corporate


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501, Northwest Grand Boulevard, 73118, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 405-767-7000
internet side: www.midfirst.com
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Latitude: 35.52908, Longitude: -97.5210309

kommentar 5

  • en

    Rick Phillips


    Banks are all pretty much the same, but you want a bank that has that small-town feeling to it. A bank where you're not just and account number, you're an actual person. Someone they know and respect. I get that feeling at some banks, and not at others. When you find one that treats you that way, stick to it.

  • Billy castellanos

    Billy castellanos


  • Gary P

    Gary P


    Great bank!

  • en

    Peter Stravlo


    Since Midfirst bought my bank in Denver customer service has dropped significantly. Not in the Denver offices, they are doing the best they can. It's more that Midfirst' policies and procedures make doing business more difficult and frustrating, plus a lot of additional fees, plus the website is way less user friendly, less capability etc.

  • Susan Wacker

    Susan Wacker


    My husband uses an account at MidFirst located at 5801 NW 39th St in OKC to make coin deposits into from our pay laundry machines, and pay small bills out of. He's never overdrawn the account. Today, without warning, they refused the deposit and said the account was frozen but would not say why. Raquel Collins at MidFirst said they mailed a letter. We haven't received a letter so my husband asked to what address it was sent... they mailed it to an old address! Our new address had been updated a year ago on-line with MidFirst. Went on-line to see if there was an on-line message... that was frozen, too! Tried to get more info from on-line support, but they had no answer and referred us back to the branch. Despite answering the security questions, Raquel Collins still wouldn't give the reason. She just said "you'll get a letter" and hung up. Not kidding... she hung up! In the mean time, MidFirst is holding our money hostage. They refuse to email or fax this mysterious letter. We do not live in Oklahoma and it will be ridiculous if my husband has to travel there to close this account and retrieve our money. Totally confusing and unbelievably bad customer service!

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