Midas w Commack

Stany ZjednoczoneMidas



🕗 godziny otwarcia

6242, Jericho Turnpike, 11725, Commack, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-462-5444
strona internetowej: www.midas.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8422067, Longitude: -73.2980218

komentarze 5

  • en

    Margaret Besen


    Came in December for EGR valve and was "upsold" to $1400 job to "tune up" my vehicle Picked up my car and now my heat was no longer working.Check engine light came back on 3 times after they replaced the EGR valve.I had to return 3 times.Staff then informed me that my heat was no longer working because my water pump was now leaking.. But could be scheduled at a later date. February I returned for emissions testing and a new headlight. And asked to schedule the repair for water pump. Shop replaced water pump and headlight and then proceeded to inspection which could not be completed bc "the cars computer needs to reset itself"before inspection. So one full month later I have no inspection sticker, car "mysteriously" won't reset itself, And now I'm stuck at this shop while they now need to change sensors and want the car driven again to "reset the computer" lots of $$$$ later and still can't drive it without an inspection sticker...

  • Steve Nash

    Steve Nash


    Great place, they will work on a good price with you.

  • Peter Manning

    Peter Manning


    Absolute terrible service. Went for an inspection, Bob the manager tried selling me 4 tires and a brakes all round. I’m a mechanic- my car needed NONE of these things. Guy tried screwing me before he found out I knew what I was talking about. When I called him out he threw a tantrum and told me to get out. Completely incompetent AWFUL stupid service AVOID AT ALL COSTS THESE PEOPLE ARE CRIMINALS

  • Hannah Lewis

    Hannah Lewis


    I would definitely recommend Midas in Commack! They know what they're doing and saying. Prices match the repairs ...they DO NOT try to rip you off! Very pleased.

  • en

    Eric Webb


    Just terrible. Highly recommend going anywhere else. Con artists. Tell you one thing then charge you another. Hope they get shut down so they can not harm any other customers.

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