Michaels w Tustin

Stany ZjednoczoneMichaels



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2807, Park Avenue, 92782, Tustin, Orange County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 714-259-0673
strona internetowej: locations.michaels.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.6973872, Longitude: -117.8247378

komentarze 5

  • Rudy Torres

    Rudy Torres


    Parking here is crazy and every time I'm here there is a line usually with 1 and if your lucky 2 check-out lanes open

  • Henry Portillo

    Henry Portillo


    They have what I needed to create a perfect signature book. ✍

  • en

    Cuong D. Nguyen


    Unfriendly register associate, to my opinion, did not take care of a price discrepancy from the item's price label on the store's shelves compared to what she charged me. (She only said "we'll look into it" when the discrepancy was brought to her attention and did not want to return the difference that she overcharged me)... Very unprofessional!! Guess I'll take my business elsewhere next time.

  • en

    Frank Snow


    They stop caring a miniature pots that used to carry for years they only carry bigger little bit bigger pots and before and the customer support at some of their stores is really bad the store in Lake Forest didn't even answer the phone after calling many times I gave up and then had to drive to Irvine which took more a lot more time

  • Carlo del Mundo

    Carlo del Mundo


    Great store, well organized shelves. They usually run plenty of discounts on pre-made crafts and kids, plus a surprisingly robust cooking/baking aisle. They also sell type writers and instant-print cameras if you were looking for those for some reason.

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