Michael A. LiPari - Bond Street Mortgage w Paramus

Stany ZjednoczoneMichael A. LiPari - Bond Street Mortgage



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115, West Century Road, 07652, Paramus, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-654-6525
strona internetowej: www.mikelipari.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.9344581, Longitude: -74.0784874

komentarze 5

  • en

    Alex Bouganim


    Mike and his team made the mortgage process very easy. He was incredibly responsive to all of our questions (and we had alot). We closed in less than 45 days. Thanks Mike!

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    Karen Cawthern


    This is the third time Michael has handled my mortgage or refis. Always professional, patient, and knowledgeable. I could not ask for someone better! I highly recommend.

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    Stephanie Scalabrini


    Mike LiPari was extremely thorough in explaining in detail every step of our refinancing decision. Phone calls were always promptly returned and questions answered in a friendly and relatable manner. My husband and I happily recommend Mike and his team. 5-star service all the way!

  • en

    Ashley Kovach


    Mike Lipari and his team at Bond Street mortgage made my husband and I feel comfortable and at ease while we built our new home. He made the new construction loan, refinance, and mortgage process very smooth and stress free. Building a home was overwhelming at times so it was a relief being able to depend on Mike for speedy advice and sound financial options. Mike made all details easy to understand, was extremely patient, and always professional and courteous. We would recommend Mike and Bond Street Mortgage to friends and family who are looking for a reliable and knowledgeable mortgage team!

  • en

    Ginny Caroselli


    From the moment we had contact with Michael, we knew that we were dealing with an extremely professional individual. It is very clear that he knows his business inside and out. Even though much of mortgage processes occur via e-signature‘s and emails, Michael strongly suggested that we meet in person just once in order to have the personal face to face contact and establish a client relationship. As my husband and I entered the office, every single employee who walked past us, asked us if we needed any assistance. We couldn’t help but smile at the great customer service which seems very rare these days. We ended up closing approximately one week earlier than the original commitment date, which was a lovely surprise and just another example of the swiftness and professionalism of Michael and his staff. Kudos to Dale Grossman for always being there to answer my many questions via email as well as telephone. Our daughter and her husband were the people who referred Michael to us and they have referred many, many of their friends as well. Each couple has been pleasantly surprised with the results. Michael actually will contact you if rates go down and you can refinance and save a ton of money over the course of your loan. He will keep tabs on your loan I’m sure until the very day he retires! We probably can say so many more great things about our experience with Michael, however, I think at this point for readers will understand why we have given him a five star review. If we could add many more stars we would! Thank you Michael and thank you BoND Street for Helping us acquire the loan for our beautiful retirement home at the Jersey shore which we hope to enjoy for many years to come! Huge gratitude from my husband and I.

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