Mi-Joe Automotive Specialties INC. w Amityville

Stany ZjednoczoneMi-Joe Automotive Specialties INC.



🕗 godziny otwarcia

632, Broadway, 11701, Amityville, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-789-1515
strona internetowej: mijoeautomotive.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6976038, Longitude: -73.425822

komentarze 5

  • en

    James Mauro


    I've been going to Mi-Joe for several years now after being recommended by the Dept. of Motor Vehicles for an inspection on a car that required a DOE waiver for a part that the original company, Saturn no longer produced because they went out of business the year I bought my car. After being refused service at several other repair shops, I contacted Motor Vehicles who recommended Mi-Joe. They were very nice and extremely helpful in verifying the DOE waiver paperwork for my car. My inspection was completed by the next day. The other shops I went to just didn't want to be bothered with the hassle of it. I've been taking both of our vehicles here ever since. Whether it's been a simple oil change or a necessary repair, they have been great. A lot cheaper than if I were to go to the dealership in most cases.

  • en

    Maureen Corbett


    Mo Joe Automotive repair and the owners Joe and Dom are like our family!!!my family and friends have been a customer for over 40 years.. they are honest and real with what needs to be fixed on our cars! my family trusts them implicedlly...they stand for who they are and you'll not find an automotive place more reasonable and fair and honest!I would and have referred them to my friends and other family with highly pleased results. They are not out to "get you" like the other car repair shops! I highly recommend Joe and Dom and MiJoe automotive repair in Amityvile.. and when I was in a car accident they referred me to TJA collision also highly reputable!! MI joe give quality work with quality care!!I would conti use recommending them in the future!!! Thanks Dom!Thanks Joe and Paul!!!

  • en

    Sal D'Aguanno


    Great and honest people

  • en

    Delia Bryant


    $500 over my original repair estimate. Left feeling RAPED. I got charged twice for the same repairs they supposedly fixed a few months ago. Ladies hold on to your purse and RUN

  • Samuel



    If your insurance company sends you here to get your car photo inspection, don't even waste your time here as these people will give you plenty of excuses for not doing it.

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