MGM Wine & Spirits w Roseville

Stany ZjednoczoneMGM Wine & Spirits



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1149, Larpenteur Avenue West, 55113, Roseville, Ramsey County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 651-488-6685
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 44.9927282, Longitude: -93.1484971

komentarze 5

  • Christopher Gunlock

    Christopher Gunlock


    Peeps been nice, decent beer singles, plus I live across the street, lol.

  • en

    Maryam Shapland


    Today, I met with the owners of the Roseville MGM Wine and Spirits store. It was a productive and informative meeting. I appreciate the owners hearing my concerns. We have agreed that the events of July 1, 2017 were unfortunate and there was a level of misunderstanding on both sides. Working with the owners, we have collaboratively agreed on a process to refine the policy to ensure that all customers feel welcome and appreciated.

  • en

    Thor Postit


    Dog friendly! Owner was helpful in special ordering three cases of beer that they did not normally carry, also spent time with me looking for a variety of wine I like and making recommendations for alternatives. Prices are fair but service was first rate.

  • en

    Tom Bettendorf


    This is why the negative press.. This is an actual quote from the person who was racially profiled. "After a few minutes, I called the store and spoke to the owner (I believe her name is Stacy). I asked her if this was a policy, and if so, why did I not see any signs in the store? She said that there was a sign on the door stating the policy. When I expressed that I had felt singled out due to the color of my skin, she replied, “we searched you because we couldn’t watch you shop….I assume you’re black and we’ve had a lot of theft by black people here lately…don’t come back here again.” Do you think this comment instills the idea of diversity? I think not. Own up to your words and take responsibility for your actions!

  • en

    Stacey K


    Hello shoppers. You will see negative comments from people on here due to us having to check a woman's handbag. The posts are all related to this one incident. We have had a policy on our front doors for over 13 months now. The policy states that we reserve the right to check handbags prior to a customer leaving the store. We are certainly not the only store to do this. The woman who's bag was checked indicated she felt racially profiled. Please know that the policy looks at the size of the bag not the person carrying it. We'd love for you to come in and see for yourself what a generous, "diverse" staff we have. Everyone is always welcome!

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