Mexico Auto Parts w Houston

Stany ZjednoczoneMexico Auto Parts



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2007, Hardy Street, 77026, Houston, Harris County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 713-228-5715
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 29.779718, Longitude: -95.351622

komentarze 5

  • en

    Gwen Rose


    Business very well located , easy access on google site. Good reviews. Exceptional service! Grade A automobile repair. Employees were very friendly and attentive. Unfortunately during my wait a female employee would not take her sight off of me. Making me feel out of place. As I researched the business a little deeper. The business is owned by a family.In other words getting to the point, I am assuming that the wife feels insecure with other women, making them feel like we are doing something wrong by engaging conversation with the automotive expertise. How I take this situation has nothing to do with the rating or service provided by the business but the lack of trust for the customer from an insecure personal makes it all the most vile experience. I would not suggest any business on how to handle their affairs but just giving you my point of view from the other side. I would not let anyone I know to have to go through the experience I went through weeks ago here. I am sorry. Thank you for the great service and maintenance given to my vehicle. But I am sorry that I did not feel the same courteous respect as a being.

  • Fayetta Collins

    Fayetta Collins


    This is the place that you really want to take your car and get work done they are good and not so high like other mechanic shops guarantee good work

  • en

    Cecilia O


    Great auto repair shop! Family owned and the most friendliest people to ever encounter with. Highly and always recommend to everyone I know. Great location , close to Medical Center!

  • Brenda Garcia

    Brenda Garcia


    Excellent mechanic work and customer service. I've been servicing my vehicle at this location for 20 years and they provide exceptional and quick service at great prices. I've never seen a guard at this location as stated by another reviewer.

  • en

    Gracie Tapia


    Visited months ago, was recommended by my dad, good mechanical work but was being watched by a guard. Such an uncomfortable setting, but from what I understand now its family owned, so that explains a lot, but unfortunately that makes the repair shop loose credibility on their performance as mechanics if they have a guard watching female customers.

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