MetroPCS Authorized Dealer i El Paso

Forenede StaterMetroPCS Authorized Dealer



🕗 åbningstider

5700, Dyer Street, 79904, El Paso, El Paso County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 915-307-2132
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 31.8297281, Longitude: -106.4445723

kommentar 5

  • en

    Heidi Davis


    Good service Great prices for plans

  • PasSion Waldon

    PasSion Waldon


    Not a good selection of phone accessories. The big guy is a jerk and the thin girl is very friendly and will answer your questions.

  • Me me

    Me me


    2weeks ago i went to this location and there was one girl and one guy and they both acted like i was from another planet and they didn't know anything and just seemed very stupid or just inconvenienced by me trying to get service and a phone.

  • en

    Paula Sanchez


    Beware worst ever,please don't go to this store. Was taken advantage the guy stole 40 from me saying it was for the phones but he didn't even give me a reciept. I'm sorry for the owner of this site. Can't imagine how much money or mechanized he's stolen from there already.

  • en

    Ivan Adame


    I'm in the army and had to send my mom to pay my phone. They took advantage and told my mom I could not get the $30 plan only the $60 plan plus they added $5 calls to Mexico when I never even added that plan. She ended up paying $75. Total b.s. taking advantage. Never going here again

nærmeste Butik

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