MetroNYInsulation w Suffern

Stany ZjednoczoneMetroNYInsulation



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300, New York 59, 10901, Suffern, Rockland County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-445-8255
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.1112664, Longitude: -74.1005502

komentarze 5

  • en

    Anita Wu


    The owner and the crew performing the insulation were always responsive, professional and courteous. The job was done very thoroughly and exceeded our expectations. This has been the best home improvement investment as our home feels so much more comfortable with the added insulation. Metro NY was also great in explaining the various financing options and state rebates available to us.

  • en

    Miriam Schwab


    We had excellent experience with this company. They were at our house as scheduled and did the work in one day!! I would definitely recommend Metro NY to everyone :)

  • en



    NY Metro Insulation did a great job insulating our home, from top to bottom. We immediately noticed the difference throughout our home. We had 21 new Andersen Windows put in a year ago, and although they cut down on drafts and made the house much quieter, the house was not much warmer until we had the cellulose insulation put in. The Clean Energy Program, rebate & financing all made it a done deal and very affordable. Howard Falkow and his crew are very reliable and they follow up on everything. We highly recommend them.

  • en

    Anita Grant


    Howard is prompt, courteous and pleasant to do business with. His prices are affordable. His crew were prompt and also pleasant to do business with. Very happy I hired them for my attic insulation job.

  • Brad Yale

    Brad Yale


    I recently moved into a rock solid split level in Northern NJ with my wife. The house was built in 1956 which, for us, meant no insulation at all. After searching around a bit, I landed on Howard and MetroNY Services for our insulation needs. Firstly, Howard is just an excellent guy. No nonsense. Straight forward. Honest. Easy to talk to/deal with. Secondly, his work and his team are stellar. For our purposes - two attics and a garage - his team completed the job in under two business days. Lastly, one of the best parts about working with Howard and his team is the NJ Clean Energy Rebate/financing options through the state. It makes the process of purchasing/getting money back from the state dead simple. I recommend Howard and his team to anyone in the NJ/NY area who needs insulation services.

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