Merrick Bicycles w Merrick

Stany ZjednoczoneMerrick Bicycles



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1829, Merrick Avenue, 11566, Merrick, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-544-4770
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6734381, Longitude: -73.5559542

komentarze 5

  • Terence Ward

    Terence Ward


    Nice people very, friendly and helpful.

  • en

    Thomas Pugliese


    Great place, very friendly staff and allways willing to help you out.

  • Milton Yu

    Milton Yu


    Knowledgeable and friendly staff. Really competitive prices for service.

  • en

    Douglas S.


    Great selections of bikes for all type of athletes. I have been a fan of this store for a very long time. You should visit this one.

  • Nicholas Genchi

    Nicholas Genchi


    TL;DR - Very nice and extremely helpful staff. A bit expensive but it's a small business and the overall quality is excellent. Turnaround time was outstanding. Full Story: Background - I have two bikes, both were bought, not sure where from, for me and my brother back in 2006. From 2006-2010 I would ride no matter how far away my destination was or how the weather was. Decision - So eleven years later, I decided to get them tuned up. Sure I could have just bought new bikes but these bikes have sentimental value and, just like an old car, needed have a few small fixes and tunes. Pricing - I had never been to a bike shop before then. And since then I have not been to any other bike shops to compare exact prices but I can say that Merrick Bicycles is a bit pricey, for even just a tune up, however the results made it well worth it. My, and my brother's, eleven year old bikes feel brand new and encourage me do to ride again. Expenses - After tuning up the bikes, and replacing one back wheel, (story for another time) I ended up dropping maybe south of $400. But that was me going all out on tuning these things to pristine condition. Being conservative, I could have spent probably half of that. Customer Service - The owner, receptionist, and the young man who fixed my bikes, were an amazing group of people. They were very informative and more than happy to assist me. Overall Experience - All in all, I would highly recommend using this bicycle shop. Although you may spend a bit more than expected, it is worth the expenses, plus you'd be supporting a small business. If I could rate by numbers, I would give it a 9 out of 10.

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