Men's Wearhouse w Poughkeepsie

Stany ZjednoczoneMen's Wearhouse



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2020, South Road, 12601, Poughkeepsie, Dutchess County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-298-2036
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 41.6265746, Longitude: -73.9145511

komentarze 5

  • en

    Jessica Faulkner


    The experience at the Mens Warehouse was beyond poor. Thier “knowledge” regarding suits was surprising. Each question asked was detered and unanswered. One woman would point aimlessly in a direction and state, “suits are over there.” When i would ask specifically, “do you have any samples for different color vests.” She had no idea what was being asked, and continued to repeat, “suits are over there.” I never had such a horrible experience with a store. Another observation, how is it acceptable to wear jeans and T-Shirts? Isn’t this store supposed to create a “classy” environment? Apparently not at Poughkeepsie. This place has a staff of unintelligent individuals that do not know how to dress themselves, let alone find the right suit.

  • Dennis Jarvis

    Dennis Jarvis


    First time at Mens wearhouse. Gentleman that helped me was fantastic. Prices are high, but discounts make some of it affordable.

  • en

    Guyayne Simmons


    Tux was rented for a 6 yr old. Went for second fitting. Expressed concern in jacket size was told it would be okay. When picking up, 1 day prior to the wedding pants are too short, jacket and shoes are to small.

  • Christine Thompson

    Christine Thompson


    My husband was looking for a tuxedo shirt and bow tie for a took forever for an employee to come and help him. They were helping people who had come in AFTER us before anyone came to him. I know it’s prom/wedding season, but employees need to pay attention to the customers and help them in the order they come into the store. We’ve been in here for more than an hour for just a shirt and tie! Then we go to the register and no one helps us there either! Never coming here again! Ridiculous!

  • Adam Sanchez

    Adam Sanchez


    Nice store knowledgeable salesman but I rarely wear a suit. I needed a new suit for a wedding and they are advertising a two for one sale. What a crock! The salesman shows me a suit that costs $625 as part of their two for one deal. Are you telling me that they are giving away a $625 suit? I think not! I wasn't born yesterday. They are making you buy two suits for $625. All I need is one suit. Was looking to spend $200 - $250 but the salesman said that was the cheapest suit they had. Bulls**t! I will never go there again. Don't like the game they're trying to play.

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