Men's Wearhouse w Las Vegas

Stany ZjednoczoneMen's Wearhouse



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1159, East Twain Avenue, 89169, Las Vegas, Clark County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 702-892-9035
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 36.1211056, Longitude: -115.1384181

komentarze 5

  • en

    Josh Esco


    Had to get my suit measurements so I came here because Men's Warehouse is the same store in Canada called Moore's and my suit was going to be from there. Joy was extremely nice and helpful when assisting me with my suit measurements. She had me try on two different sized blazers to see what fit I liked better, and what my options would be. Excellent customer service!

  • en

    yun yi


    overpriced, charge all sorts of fee for rental, not worth it at all, the little rental shops are much better, many nearby, just check. as for other cloth, this place is just very overpriced. you can find much better deal elsewhere. One thing bothers me is, even if you find a coupon, they will find ways around it to stick to the same price.....very strange business at this location

  • Townsend Milligan

    Townsend Milligan


    Patrice helped my groomsmen and I get fitted for our tuxes. She was helpful and so enthusiastic. 👍🏾👍🏾

  • Sylvia Perez

    Sylvia Perez


    I can not thank this store enough! The whole store came together to fix an issue from out of state. I ordered 2 suits for my son and now husband in Utah and they came 2 different colors, extra short, and 1 sent to the wrong store. Russ is amazing and picked it up and brought it over. He did not have to take that extra step, he could have just sent us over to the other store. I appreciate you. Well the store came together to get them ready the day of the wedding. They open at 10am but called us at 830 as soon as the package came. This store is amazing! Highly recommend! Thank you!

  • Tanisha Jones

    Tanisha Jones


    Men's Warehouse is The Best, we had exceptional customer service and special shout out to Patrice and Stan at the Las Vegas (Twain) location you both were Men's Warehouse Super Hero's and rescued me for my special day "You Saved THE Day!!!!!!!

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