Mei Salon w Teaneck

Stany ZjednoczoneMei Salon


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

447, Cedar Lane, 07666, Teaneck, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-907-0014
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.889142, Longitude: -74.021725

komentarze 3

  • Melanie Schwartz

    Melanie Schwartz


    I had no real issues with this place's work... I had gel polish on my nails and to remove it you need to soak cotton and wrap the nails in foil... Let it sit for a while before removing the polish. The lady used crinkled foil and it rubbed me the wrong way... But I didn't think much of it... I later watched her remove the foils and polish... Take the foils back to her station, remove the cotton and throw it out, and straighten out the foils she used to reuse them later... I watched her put them back in her drawer. Skin to skin contact is very dirty, especially with the hands. They didn't have me wash my hands first. I can imagine they didn't have the ppl before me wash their hands first either. It's a shame. The women were very nice, I just don't see myself going there again.

  • en

    Aliza Strauss


  • en

    Cynthia Matte


    Have gone to this nail salon for some time and although generally pleased, results are not consistently good. Kept coming back because of convenient location. Last tome I was leaving for vacation and had a mani/pedi. The gel manicure was not even by the cuticles, which by the way she cut too closely and they looked ragged. When I came home I stopped by to show her pictures of the poor job she had done. She basically said she did not care if I did not come back. THE WORST CUSTOMER SERVICE I HAVE EVER RECEIVED. SO RUDE. Did say "sorry" but did not offer any compensation in terms of a credit or a regular manicure.

najbliższy Salon piękności

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