Mega Kitchen and Bath w Silver Spring

Stany ZjednoczoneMega Kitchen and Bath



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11137, Veirs Mill Road, 20902, Silver Spring, Montgomery County, US Estados Unidos
kontakt telefon: +1 301-933-5070
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Latitude: 39.0385466, Longitude: -77.0526868

komentarze 5

  • en

    Roneal Josephs


    Finding this contractor was the best find. Katherine "Kat" Bradshaw (lead designer) and Ibrahim Zirekoglu (project manager) totally understood my vision for my bathroom and they nailed it. My bathroom was a complete gut and I told Kat exactly what I wanted...the look, the feel...and they came through with exact materials. The crew they had working for them were very thorough and extremely professional. I am looking forward to working with them on my next big project which they will begin this month (March 2018). And I have already began planning, with Kat and Ibrahim on the next two projects to my home.

  • en

    Susan White Britton


    Let me first say I was very nervous and hesitant about having my kitchen remodeled. You hear so many horror stories about things going wrong, however, words can not express how much I love my new kitchen! The transformation is amazing...beyond words. I literally wanted to cry tears of joy when I saw our vision come to life! My family fell in love with everything! We love it so much, I don't even want anyone to cook in my kitchen!! The professionalism and personal care that Katherine Bradshaw from your design center at Deluxe Kitchen and Bath showed was more than I or my husband could have ever asked for! From our first meeting and consult, we knew we wanted her to do the job. The demolition and construction team were amazing and thorough! I would gladly refer you to everyone I know...I have been singing your praises to everyone! Thank you so much for all of your help and your expertise! So glad we chose Katherine and Mega Kitchen/Deluxe Kitchen and Bath! Thanks again, Alfred and Susan Britton.

  • Sandeep Krishnan

    Sandeep Krishnan


    You wrote a review for Mega Kitchen And Bath 4 minutes ago 5.0 star rating 2/14/2018 We had a great remodel experience with Mega Kitchen and Bath. We remodeled our kitchen, opening it up to the dining room, as well as our main bathroom. After watching a little too much HGTV in preparation, we had lots of design ideas and the designer Kat Bradshaw was extremely patient and accommodating as we changed our mind and asked to see multiple design options. She also helped us make (and edit) our design choices and came up with solutions to help fit everything we wanted in our small space. She provided great customer service, was extremely responsive, and spent a lot of time with us as we made all my design choices. Once construction began, Ibrahim and his team were professional, responsive, and easy to work with as well. They came every day on time, did high quality work, and kept us updated on progress and issues that arose. While no renovation project is complete without a few surprises and minor snafus, the team handled them quickly and professionally. They were always willing and available to answer our questions, inform us of issues, give us options for addressing the issues that arose, and make changes we requested. They even went above and beyond the terms of our contract, fixing a burst water pipe for us when the winter weather got the better of our old pipes at no additional cost. The remodel was completed within 6 weeks, slightly longer that the original estimated but very reasonable given the changes and unexpected issues that came up. In summary, we would highly recommend them to others!

  • en

    Eda Yeniay


    Mega Kitchen has excellent customer service with brilliant ideas. I highly recommend them (Ibrahim Z.) if you are looking for a detailed job done for your kitchen, bathroom or more. They have design ideas for every budget which gives you the best option for your dream kitchen and bathroom!!

  • en

    Elizabeth Joyce


    Mega Kitchen and Bath is an unusually fine company, and we are thrilled with the beautiful kitchen they built for us. Our project was extensive—we more than doubled the size of our original kitchen, knocking out a wall and creating a large, open space adjacent to another room. The entire process went smoothly, taking only a short time longer than the ambitious target timeline (three weeks). Everyone involved in the project was excellent and highly responsive. They sent the same crew for the entire project, two very capable craftsmen with carpentry, electrical, and varied other skills, who were as cheerful and helpful as they were unfailingly professional. They showed up as planned every day and cleaned up before they left. The company rapidly and consistently picked up the trash and overflow from the project. The day they removed the old cabinets, for example, a truck appeared within an hour to haul them all away. We were amazed, and they continued to promptly pick up everything that needed to be removed. The project manager was also terrific—cheerful and helpful—regularly appearing to check on the progress and letting us know when he would return and how the various project details would be handled. He went out of his way to handle any problems. Early in the project, we discovered that the vinyl plank flooring chosen for the kitchen didn’t match the color and pattern of the hardwood floor adjacent to it. The project manager said, “no problem,” and he scoured the entire metropolitan area (and went all the way to Baltimore) to find flooring that matches the color and even the wood grain pattern of the hardwood, and it looks great. He consistently assured us that he would handle every problem, and that he would make sure everything works correctly. The company’s responsiveness was also impressive. One weekend, we were concerned about an electrical issue, and we sent an e-mail about our concerns. We received a phone call in 15 minutes, and a representative arrived at our home within an hour to address the problem. They never failed to promptly respond to our calls, which is highly unusual for companies handling multiple projects at once. This company clearly cares about its customers and its reputation and works overtime to do fine work. We highly recommend them, and we thank the entire team. .

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