Mega Furniture w Phoenix

Stany ZjednoczoneMega Furniture



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3903, East Thomas Road, 85018, Phoenix, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 623-225-7420
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.4789664, Longitude: -111.9977602

komentarze 5

  • Mirta Perez

    Mirta Perez


    Allan was very helpful, professional and knowlegeable. He answered all my questions and took his time to find out what our needs were. Thanks Mega Furniture and Allan for all your assistance :) I will definitely come back to purchase more home furniture from him.

  • en

    Hayden Harden


    Alex was a very good salesman. He gave me and my girlfriend time to talk things over, worked with us with the prices and gave us the extended warranty. I was very satisfied

  • Tyler Clark

    Tyler Clark


    I stopped here a week ago & loved the couch set I saw. I spoke with Alex & he was great. I ended up leaving to think it over. Came back the next week after doing some research online & checking out a couple other furniture stores. But they had the couch set I wanted. Alex remembered me & we pretty much picked up our conversation from the last time. I ended up financing the couches for 0%apr. Very happy with my purchase & with Alex. Will give 5 star after delivery of furniture as long as everything goes smooth. Overall I would highly recommend going in & asking for Alex.

  • en

    Austin Mugendi


    I recently visited Mega Furniture not knowing exactly what I wanted for my living room. I was amazed how the staff was on making sure I found exactly what was suitable not only for my home but my budget. When I walked in I was blown away by the happy environment of the staff. I would highly recommend speaking with Alex(the store manager) Or Tee. I can assure you that you are in great hands.

  • Nathan Browning

    Nathan Browning


    Had a great experience here, but the only problem was that I was promised two tempurpedic pillows from the last manger Carlos. Then unfortunately, Carlos was either fired or quit so now i can't get my pillows and whether it was written down or not.If i go somewhere and spend 1100 dollars that day, and they promised me two nice pillows for a sweet deal i should get those pillows. I understand where the new manager is coming from but damn, you lost two lifelong customers because of some simple stuff.

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