Meechai Thai Cuisine w San Diego

Stany ZjednoczoneMeechai Thai Cuisine



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3960, West Point Loma Boulevard, 92110, San Diego, San Diego County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1
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Latitude: 32.754716, Longitude: -117.222739

komentarze 5

  • en

    Nadia Stark


    Overall this restaurant lacked authentic flavor. The pad Thai should have notes of peanut, tamarind, and chili pepper, but it tasted more like greasy barbecue and hoisen sauce. The spring rolls were below satisfactory with only lettuce and bean sprouts... where were all the fresh herbs at? Too greasy and American tasting for me.

  • Emanuel Towns II

    Emanuel Towns II


    Great food! Had the Spicy Basil which had some good heat and flavor. The waitresses, Leena and Janet, were wonderful, funny and very personable! Definitely a place to go.

  • en

    Ben Burke


    Absolutely love this place. First time me and my lady tried this place was on a whim for some take-out. Great place! Got the normal white folk offerings the Panag Curry, drunken noodle, fried rice, pad Thai all amazing. Second time we sat down and got a few different things including some appetizers and a sour soup all very good! This won’t be your normal restaurant experience but well worth it. I felt like I was back visiting in Thailand and I had a good time. Go to Thai place in ob/pl for me!

  • en

    Gilberto Guzman


    Second time ordering Thai food and it was not a good experience. Probably because of my lack of knowledge on Thai food. Waitress never brought back the change and service was poor quality. They charge the same for domestic beer and import beer when clearly they have a different price in the menu. Worst experience ever.

  • Soleil Rousseau

    Soleil Rousseau


    Very cute and quiet little place. One last was serving when we arrived and she was very friendly. Old came out fast and easy fresh. Lunch combos are a good deal and have just the right amount of food. Would recommend this place to the business casual who wants a nice lunch.

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