MeDLiTE w Paramus

Stany ZjednoczoneMeDLiTE



🕗 godziny otwarcia

36A, East Midland Avenue, 07652, Paramus, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-967-8425
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.948345, Longitude: -74.0695716

komentarze 1

  • MeDLiTE



    MeDLiTE, Inc. is a family owned, full service medical billing and practice management company that has been successfully operating since 1991. Located in New Jersey we have been providing medical billing services for over 25 years and we specialize in non-par billing working with a variety of Primary Care Providers as well as Specialists in a wide spectrum of medical specialties including but not limited to: Interventional Cardiology, Neurology Oral Surgery Dermatology Gastroenterology Pulmonology Endocrinology.... And many more! Here at MeDLiTE, we provide quality solutions for your office and billing infrastructure. We also offer a range of services which include credentialing, training programs, and consulting services. With our solutions, we can improve your office management, increase your revenue, and much more. We have the commitment, the experience, and the drive to substantially increase your revenue. Unlike other billing services out there today, we like to keep constant contact, and make sure you are satisfied with the services we are providing. We will NEVER outsource our work and only hire experienced billing specialist that have been in the industry for many years, and we ensure continued education in the ever changing health care insurance policies. Our company provides all the necessities a physician needs in order to structure and sustain their practice, as well as maintaining a healthy income. Here at MedLiTE, Inc., we strive to be the best, build long lasting relationships, and we make sure you get paid accurately!

najbliższy Finanse

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