Medicare Insurance Services Ltd en New York

Estados UnidosMedicare Insurance Services Ltd



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23, Center Street, 10306, Richmond County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 800-508-6920
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.5724711, Longitude: -74.1355456

comentarios 5

  • Anita Ray

    Anita Ray


    They have the best service so far. I accidentally lost my insurance ID and they are willing to give me one with no added fee since I am already a member! From now on I will take care of my personal things. They managed to give me one and I really liked it. Every agency should be like this.

  • Helen Anderson

    Helen Anderson


    What I admire about Medicare Insurance Services Ltd are their staffs. They are very accommodating and doesn’t talk down to you. I have a medical insurance before from other agency and some of their staffs are really grumpy. In Medicare Insurance Services Ltd you’re being entertained the way you must be treated. I’ll forever do business with them.

  • Judy Lytton

    Judy Lytton


    Online application was great Medical Insurances Services Ltd. It was no different in the actual processing. It was really convenient for me who lives a bit far from where their agency is. There is a quick response and the steps where presented understandingly. Unlike any other online application where in there are a lot of links to be clicked and whatsoever. Medical Insurances Services Ltd also posts updated news about their services. Great job keep it up!

  • Brian Jackson

    Brian Jackson


    This place is one of the most accommodating agencies I’ve ever gone to. The staffs are very accommodating and will attend to you with a smiling face. The numbering system was also organized and is very helpful in the flow of your transaction. The whole process runs smooth. Even though there are a lot of people who transact at the same time, all are accommodated accordingly since the staffs are very professional and are really focused on their tasks. They really know what they are doing that’s why transactions are processed swiftly but surely. A+ for Medicare Insurance Services Ltd. Continue a great job!

  • Andrea Torent

    Andrea Torent


    My mother and I went to this agency. At that time she was pregnant with my younger brother. Seeing that there are a lot of people, I told her that we should just go back next time and be early to avoid the line. As we are about to leave, one of the staffs approached us and said that pregnant women and senior citizens are their top priority. I was really fascinated by their customer service and the friendly atmosphere they have inside their agency. We are attended from the beginning until the end of the transaction process. A lot of health benefits were also presented to us along the way. Medicare Insurance Services Ltd has one of the best services I have ever experienced. Very considerate and approachable.

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