MedExpress Urgent Care w Lodi

Stany ZjednoczoneMedExpress Urgent Care



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184, Essex Street, 07644, Lodi, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-843-3207
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8886921, Longitude: -74.0684107

komentarze 5

  • en

    Michael LaFerrera


    Staff and dr were great! Speedy and professional service. Went to citymd before medexpress(just because it was closer to my house) and got misdiagnosed at citymd in teterboro. Never going there again! Went right over to medexpress and was properly diagnosed and given antibiotics. Great service!!!!

  • Lorna R. Lopez-Serrano

    Lorna R. Lopez-Serrano


    This morning I went in with extreme pain from my lower back and from the moment I walked in to the moment I left I was treated with respect, care and dignity. I am so grateful that I was seen promptly and that my needs were met. The front desk staff was caring and professional and the staff behind the scenes were excellent, the PA and Physician were vety calm and caring and answered all of my questions. Thank you MedExpress Urgent Care for your kind and efficient service.

  • Richie Ahrens

    Richie Ahrens


    The service was wonderful when I had to use urgent care services here, the staff was extremely friendly and fast. From the time I walked in until the time I left it only took 20 minutes!! Definitely would recommend if you live in the area.

  • en

    Eric Liu


    As a healthcare professional, I could not believe the sheer unpleasantness of my visit. I was referred there after an accident and needed a simple prophylactic treatment regimen, but was denied on the grounds of “lack of protocol.” I provided the regimen, but instead, the doctor went to consult his colleague, left the door open, then mocked me about the accident! I understand it’s a walk in clinic and they don’t handle everything, but not only was I not extended a professional courtesy as one doctor to another, but I was ridiculed. If this wasn’t the only option in my network, I would never come back. I also don’t need information spoon fed to me in a condescending tone, we are in the business of caring for and empathizing with our patients, not being scolded and pushed out the door.

  • en

    Chris Uffer


    I can’t believe all the negative reviews about this place. I came down with what felt like the flu while at work last week, now I live in central NJ but honestly felt like I couldn’t make it home, so I went here. I was pleasantly surprised from the second I walked into this modern, beautiful waiting room and was instantly greeted by the kind friendly staff who checked me right in. I was seen within a reasonable time and they did unfortunately confirm I had the flu. They took the time to go over a bunch of things for myself and my families well being. Please take my word, don’t worry about the negative reviews, the staff were so nice and the service was great.

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