Mechanics Bank - Berkeley Branch i Berkeley

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterMechanics Bank - Berkeley Branch



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2301, Shattuck Avenue, 94704, Berkeley, Alameda County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 510-647-0720
internet side:
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Latitude: 37.8674564, Longitude: -122.2673826

kommentar 5

  • Risa Wood

    Risa Wood


    This branch ATM doesn’t always take cash deposits. Having to drive to another location to deposit cash into my own account (outside of bank hours) is ridiculous

  • H H

    H H


    As the years went on their personnel services has gone down, some staff have quite the attitude and fees gone up not providing extra services or up to dates user friendly tech I've since moved banks. Disappointed Started with them from day one, building my credit, they take care of your needs as long as you contact them, only negative is they far and fee locations, and close early, I no longer live in Berkeley, so the only places I can reach them is far out of reach, I would highly recommend opening few more branches more south of Oakland. This way people can still get your services.

  • Katelyn Potts

    Katelyn Potts


    Every time I come here I experience rude and terrible service. They deposited my money in the wrong account, I had to come all the way back for them to fix it not once did I get an apology for the huge inconvenience.

  • Jennifer Michels

    Jennifer Michels


    My favorite bank, Mechanics is a great place to park your funds. Been going here for 20yrs and they always have great customer service, pleasant tellers and a pretty easy banking.

  • Elliott Smith

    Elliott Smith


    I love this branch, they are busy but they're always well staffed so the line moves fast. And having currency exchange onsite is useful too.

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