McDonald's i Costa Mesa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterMcDonald's



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2300, Harbor Boulevard, 92626, Costa Mesa, Orange County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 949-642-7561
internet side:
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Latitude: 33.657405, Longitude: -117.918706

kommentar 5

  • Vincent Calip

    Vincent Calip


    The night crew is stellar! I’m always skeptic going to McDonalds after lobby hours are closed cause it’s a hit or miss with stale fries, messy soda, and incorrect orders; but, not this location. Ive been here several nights in a row so far and several words come to mind: consistent, efficient, freshly made food, accuracy. Date of visit: 05/20/2023 Time of visit: 9:56PM PDT Drive-thru My order: Big Mac Combo Nuggets Fish Filet Sandwich The food always taste freshly made, fries always fresh, my entire order is always accurate down to the sauces; typically should be, but it’s such a pleasant surprise when fast food workers really pay attention to detail. Will definitely be my go-to for McDonalds Food.

  • Moe Larry

    Moe Larry


    Food is just what you'd expect, but the drive-through is always very fast and the employees are mostly pleasant.

  • Monica Padilla

    Monica Padilla


    Vanessa is an awesome long time employee at this store. Never fails to treat you with kindness, respect and empathy. Her smile is the best!

  • Andreas E

    Andreas E


    Stop in here for breakfast a few times a week. They're fast. Food is always HOT! When my breakfast is good, it starts my day off right and that is something that is very underrated

  • Lester G

    Lester G


    Once again. Probably the ~7th-8th time this has happened. Such a simple request. Undertrained? Reading comprehension non-existent? Who knows?

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