McDonald's i Lexington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterMcDonald's



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1499, Russell Cave Road, 40511, Lexington, Fayette County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 859-252-0430
internet side:
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Latitude: 38.0708376, Longitude: -84.4779336

kommentar 5

  • Victoria Lewis

    Victoria Lewis


    God awful customer service. If you’re gonna have someone taking orders, make sure they actually know how the menu, how to use the computer, and if you’re out of products. Went through the line after spending 10 minutes trying to order two wraps, paid, got to the window and got my drinks, got pulled up. Only to be told that they were out of tenders after waiting for 10 more minutes. Great if you have 30 minutes and a surplus of brain cells to lose going here.

  • Andrew Lockard

    Andrew Lockard


    Fast. Clean. Friendly. Love me some smoothies and slushies. Nom nom noms.

  • John Poland

    John Poland


    Never again! Burned me more than once. Not the temp of the food but the bad customer service. Never again!!

  • en

    Renee Fox


    Even though their mocha machine is always broken (or so they say...) I love stopping here in the mornings because the day shift ladies are so nice and friendly... their lovely smiles make my mornings a lil better 🤩

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    Casey Brinegar


    I have eaten there a few times , never gotten an order correct. Went there tonight with my girlfriend and she asked for an extra slice of tomato on her sandwich. Which would make 2 I payed for it seperately at the second window. And still when I got home only had one slice. I checked inside the bag not there either. Another disappointing visit to mcdonald's and I've called back time and time again. NO ANSWER on the phone at 8:53 when they close at 12:00. The fries were cold when they handed us the bag. I won't eat there again!!!

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