McDonald's w Happy Valley

Stany ZjednoczoneMcDonald's



🕗 godziny otwarcia

12440, Southeast 82nd Avenue, 97086, Happy Valley, Clackamas County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 503-654-9351
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 45.433769, Longitude: -122.578527

komentarze 5

  • en

    Vanessa Maldonado


    We recently came to this location and we loving coming to happy valley from washigton but this mcdonalds had the rudest people in service, no good customer service at all, if they aren’t happy with what theyre doing maybe they should look for a different job they are going to perform job well.

  • Tony Smith

    Tony Smith


    I have only been to this location 1 time. when i got there, there was 2 people ahead of me that i couldnt see from the place where you order. They failed to mention that something was wrong and there was a 30+ minute wait. I work in emergency services and i go there to get something to eat really fast. hence the term "fast food". what made it worse is, they made my food when i ordered it, so when i received the food it was cold and gross. i would give this place 0 stars if i could.

  • Alisha Carter

    Alisha Carter


    The Apple pies are amzing!!!!! It's one of my kids favorite to get. The fries are pretty awesome and we like to get a few things from here. The ice cream is wonderful. My favorite is the hot fudge sundae. I like to get it with extra hot fudge. It makes me want some right now just thinking about it. Inside dining is great, too. It so modern looking and it's a pleasure to sit at the tables that light up. The kids really love it!!!!!!

  • Philip Reich

    Philip Reich


    The staff are rude and seem not very pleased to be working there. The management isn't any better, which explains why the staff seems depressed. The food is so-so, and they've gotten multiple orders wrong -- I avoid this particular McDonalds now. The McDonald's in the Milwaukie Marketplace on SE Oak St is much nicer, happy helpful staff, and never a problem with an order.

  • Aaron Rothe

    Aaron Rothe


    Great employees. I have never had a problem with an order here. This location also has a playland!

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