McCoy's Pub & Grille w Pleasant Hills

Stany ZjednoczoneMcCoy's Pub & Grille



🕗 godziny otwarcia

5027, Curry Road, 15236, Pleasant Hills, Allegheny County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 412-655-1280
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.3492892, Longitude: -79.9946284

komentarze 5

  • en

    Natalie Thiry


    Great sandwiches . Great drinks. Friendly people. Biggest downfall is that it is downstairs. You must go down a large cement stairway to enter.

  • en

    Michael Roth


    Howe is a legend! This place serves fantastic food and the service is second to none. If there ever was a nuclear disaster, this place would be where I would go to live out my last few days. Please get the pretzel platter!

  • en

    Ashley Shanahan


    Great food, great specials. Best place to watch any sports games with all the TVs! My mom and I love to go to McCoys and play darts, huge plus that they just added a second dart board.

  • michael dojcak

    michael dojcak


    Great food! Free WiFi and good drink specials. Saturday karaoke is a blast! And now and again a wedding party stumbles in from next door. I've been coming here for 10+ years.

  • Angie Lee

    Angie Lee


    The bar it self is great for watching a Pens game. Sadly, this is the 3rd time we have come to watch the game and eat and the bartender was the only person waiting tables and working the bar. That's insane. If you know the games on why not bring in a waitress or 2 to help you. The service is awful. Horrible actually. Our food was literally just brought to us and my boyfriend tried to ask for 2 more drinks and the bartender just walked away from us!!! Service is a nightmare which is sad because the food is good.

najbliższy Bar

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