Mazda of Lodi w Lodi

Stany ZjednoczoneMazda of Lodi



🕗 godziny otwarcia

130, U.S. 46, 07644, Lodi, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 973-594-1700
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8774699, Longitude: -74.0756969

komentarze 5

  • en

    Anthony Poon


    Service is always quick and reasonably priced. I took my car in on Saturday and asked to speak to the actual mechanic working on my car, it was no problem found the mechanic very knowledgeable. He answered all my questions and I felt comfortable with the service i had done from that point on. Very happy with this Mazda

  • en

    Joanna Porterfield


    I came in to look at the new cx5 and had a really good experience. I ended up leaving the same day with a brand new car feeling really great about the deal that I got. The process was quick and easy and the sales guys were extremely friendly and knew what they were talking about. I will definitely be going back here again.

  • en

    James Horan


    Charlie was very welcoming and informative. I had very specific needs and requirements that I was looking for in a new car. He listened to what I wanted and provided me with the info I needed. He even called me later that day to let me know of another option that I had not considered. It ended up being the best option and we are SO HAPPY with our new car! That showed me he cared enough to listen to my needs and try as hard as he could to meet them! Great process! Great people!

  • en

    Damaris Estrella


    I had a great experience buying my first brand new car. I was going to lease but buying was the best choice for me. Sullivan was my sales person and was patient honest and I didn’t feel pressured. I would definitely go to him again and his manager Charlie Garcia. Thanks

  • en

    Dev PInet


    Great experience! Awesome customer service, diligent work and quick easy service. Did not have to sit around for hours and get strung along they helped me get into a car very quick and simple! Definitely staying with Mazda for a long time. There cars are affordable and very luxurious. I recommend getting a car from there for everyone!

najbliższy Dealer samochodowy

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