Mavis Discount Tire i Walden

Forenede StaterMavis Discount Tire



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80, Oak Street, 12586, Walden, Orange County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 845-713-6997
internet side:
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Latitude: 41.5650613, Longitude: -74.1908213

kommentar 5

  • bo cui

    bo cui


    My bike is not inflated, they also help me to solve, and free of charge, thank you very much. Auto service is also very good! I work in a nearby, they are very good neighbor.

  • Liz Kyle

    Liz Kyle


    You know that feeling you get when you drop your car off at a shop and wonder what BS they'll feed you about everything that's wrong with it and needs to be fixed? I hate that feeling... and that's exactly why I bring my car here and nowhere else. These guys are just great. So trustworthy, helpful, and knowledgeable. They are genuinely concerned and not just trying to make as much money as they can. I always feel good leaving this shop

  • Kas Macko

    Kas Macko


    Went in for a slow tire leak before a trip back to Boston. Mavis found nothing and charged to re balance the tire - as soon as I got home my mechanic found the leak right away. Mavis completely missed the leak and my mechanic said it was dangerous driving back home on that tire.

  • en

    Steven Landsman


    Had appointment. Told tech I needed to wait which is why I preferred an appt. Was two hours before my vehicle entered the shop....for an oil change and tire rotation. Two and a half hours has come and gone, still vehicle is finally on the lift. Tech claims the specialized lift my van requires was occupied for longer than expected. My response "I had an appointment." The only reason I come here is for the free tire rotations because I bought my tires at a reputable STS shop before it turned Mavis and service "declined" that I mean the place became impossible to deal with due to lies and misleading new management named "Mike". Complete waste of my time here today. I will gladly pay for rotations elsewhere from now on. Staff polite here, that's the second star...but this is the end for me. Need tires soon...will not get them here at any price.

  • Jacco van Koll

    Jacco van Koll


    Got here to get the car balanced and alignment. They showed me the rear shock absorbers which I recognized, needed to be replaced. Got a very good deal on it! Staff is helpful and explaining. Fact is that I am a certified mechanic, and they truly did not sell me 'air', quite the opposite! They are good! Straight to the point. Will surely recommend, and certainly return!

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