Mavis Discount Tire w Poughkeepsie

Stany ZjednoczoneMavis Discount Tire



🕗 godziny otwarcia

680, Freedom Plains Road, 12603, Poughkeepsie, Dutchess County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-554-1090
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.6703643, Longitude: -73.8414931

komentarze 5

  • en

    Paul Pancio


    Job done well and the cost was acceptable.

  • Branden Leslie

    Branden Leslie


    Great, friendly customer service, and good prices make this place my go-to tire shop.

  • en

    Martha Perez


    Had new exhaust installed on 3/20/2018. After only one month and two days, my exhaust system is all rusted out! I got ripped off and cheated out of a new exhaust system that I paid a pretty Penney for! There is no way that a new exhaust system gets all rusted out after only one month of being installed! Not even my original exhaust system rusted out that quick it took and lasted me 13 years... Buyer beware and especially if you are a female! Take a look at the pic I posted on website. It is the blue Rav_4. So upset and taken for a fool!

  • en

    James Bradbury


    I went to get my car inspected as I figured it would be a quick in and out, I've never had to wait more than 20 minutes from the start of an inspection to finish. The technician brought my car in and proceeded to take all the wheels off, which is peculiar because you only have to take one off for an inspection, and then my car sat for over an hour while two dedicated technicians worked on other cars it seemed like the guys were not doing much work. After asking the manager what was taking so long as my car wasn't there for tires or repairs the technician who was working on my car came to me and tried to upsell me on things that my car really didn't need. I told him no and was told "You can't help me out, your car is the only one thats passed so far today." That's a pretty poor business practice if you ask me. 2 stars, don't go if you don't have to. I was in the area and needed the inspection. Otherwise I wouldn't have gone.

  • en

    Jeffrey Tuttle


    Jason and Craig and Ed are a great. Group of. Guys. They get stuff done and good quality. Very nice GUYS

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