Mavis Discount Tire en Smithtown

Estados UnidosMavis Discount Tire



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222, West Main Street, 11787, Smithtown, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 631-979-1300
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.8561921, Longitude: -73.2031675

comentarios 5

  • en

    John Bonomo


    Don't bother. They make things out to be a bigger problem than they really are.

  • en

    JW JW


    Was told that I had to leave my car all day for an oil change. This used to be a place that I brought all my business but now I will go elsewhere. I went down the road and got it done in 30 minutes. They should really think about bringing Danny back and getting rid of Jeff. Jeff is rude and unprofessional.

  • kelsey murphy

    kelsey murphy


    These guys were awesome, took my car on a Sunday last minute and fixed what another mechanic could not. Professional, knowledgeable and fair.

  • en

    Natalya Minaeva


    Beware of scam. Managers Dan and Mickey will try to sell you rotors when you just need the pads. They will call you back and show you your perfectly fine rotors and claim that are worn out. Also, didn't have pads in stock but "forgot" to mention it. Took 2 hours with an appointment to change the pads. Sad, used to be a good place.

  • Amaury Tapia

    Amaury Tapia


    great place, decent entertainment and nearby eats while you wait on your vehicle. the free air is of superior quality, in my opinion.

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