Mavis Discount Tire en Commack

Estados UnidosMavis Discount Tire



🕗 horarios

2205, Jericho Turnpike, 11725, Commack, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 631-462-4442
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.84285, Longitude: -73.288321

comentarios 5

  • Tom Hamblen

    Tom Hamblen


    Mike is a great guy and takes care of my car.

  • en

    sang kim


    Very kind and quick service with reason able price

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    Lou M


    this is a great place to shop the staff is honest and treats you well. its refreshing to have a shop not try to sell you things you dont need and do the job properly.

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    Allison W


    I went to this Mavis and asked for an oil change and a wheel alignment, now I do not know much about cars at all. The guy asked me which oil and I said full synthetic blend...I did not know that this was an up charge and he never told me it was which I think should have been mentioned. He wrote it up and I gave him the keys and went about my day, I was told an hour later that my car was ready. I go to get my car and to pay, the guy says that the bill is like $136 dollars...I have never in my life paid over $100 dollars for an oil change and wheel alignment. I look at the guy and say that has to be wrong there is no way...he tells me well you got an alignment which is $80 dollars and an oil change which was the premium oil change which costs $54 dollars. I was like well what do I usually get? He said you usually get a standard oil change...I then just think like why the hell would he have not mentioned that to me in the beginning rather than him just going along with what I had said!? He gave me two $10 dollar off coupons which I appreciate but regardless the bill was still $126 dollars but the fact that he could not point that out to me and that I paid over $100 dollars for the job is ridiculous. I know that I am a woman which I do not usually pull that card but I have been told by multiple people that this place definitely took advantage of me because I am a woman and do not know much about cars and prices. If this is the case then I hope they lose a lot of business from this review at the same time many people give Mavis a bad name but I decided to give them one last shot and well now I know never again. So Thanks for nothing.

  • Chris herman

    Chris herman


    Stopped in for tires. Staff was knowledgeable and friendly. Had what I was looking for on hand which is always a plus. Would recommend to others if you need work done on a vehicle

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