Mavis Discount Tire i Gardiner

Forenede StaterMavis Discount Tire



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2170, U.S. 44, 12525, Gardiner, Ulster County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 845-443-8007
internet side:
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Latitude: 41.6740197, Longitude: -74.1318342

kommentar 5

  • Kevin Martin

    Kevin Martin


    Fast,professional service. Always satisfied with work. Thx

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    They are knowledgeable, professional & informative. Anthony, front desk, has great customer relation skills. Their mechanics are friendly and thorough!! I will keep them!! 😀😀😀 Thank you!!

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    Arianna Carparelli


    DO NOT TRUST THIS PLACE. Brought my two year old car in for an inspection and oil change, got a call saying "both front calipers were seized and needed to be replaced." After saying I have had no issue at all with brakes or calipers I was told they would fail it unless we fixed it. Came in, took the car back (with it's failed inspection) and drove the mile back home. Promptly jacked it up, popped off the tires and both rotors spun freely and were not "hung up" as they wrote on the paperwork. Brake pads were still at 60% life and all worn perfectly evenly and no signs of heat (from a seized caliper). THESE PEOPLE ARE JUST TRYING TO MAKE UP EXTRA JOBS. Promptly brought it back up to get the inspection passed and was told they must have magically "dislodged on the drive home" and when I said i could show him video of the rotors spinning before we even touched the car, manager called us liars and told us not to speak to his staff. DO NOT GO HERE! Fun fact - calipers are NOT EVEN PART of a NYS inspection. Only a leaking caliper would fail, a seized or tight one would not. So they were very much trying to scam a young woman who they thought wouldn't know any better....if I could give negative stars I would.

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    Heather Meinecke


    They bent my rim and trashed the back window of my soft top

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    Ervin Anderson


    First time there since new ownership. Good explanation of what I needed, and I was told what the cost would be prior to the service being done.

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