Mavis Discount Tire w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneMavis Discount Tire



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2060, Forest Avenue, 10303, Richmond County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-307-5161
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6258015, Longitude: -74.1583049

komentarze 5

  • en

    Michael J.


    The guy(sorry didn’t get his name) was very helpful and explained exactly what was being done. My truck was done ahead of schedule and less cost than expected. Highly recommend this shop.

  • en

    jen wel


    The customer service and patience exhibited by the staff during my visit were much appreciated. The service technicians and store manager took their time to explain and we're extremely patient with my lack of automotive knowledge. I highly recommend this trustworthy establishment.

  • en

    William Cella


    Quality Tires, reasonable price, outstanding service. The store manager Hussein has excellent meat and deal skills. I believe he is responsible for a good portion of this locations business. He is personable knowledgeable and goes out of his way to make it a pleasant experience.

  • أيمن سليمان

    أيمن سليمان


    My first experience and it was not bad at all. A tire on my SUV went flat twice in two days so it was the sign they need to go. I looked over the net for the replacement tire to my car and found a brand I liked. I called around and Mavis had it (it was Sunday afternoon, so my options were limited really) I put the spare on, drove to Mavis, arrived around 3 pm and left the shop by 5. All in all it was a great experience with patient and knowledgeable staff. It took longer than I expected but I was OK with it as I said it was Sunday. Price was very good and I am happy with the service and the value for the money Car Audi Q7 4.2L. Tires Perillie Verde AS 275/45/R20XL

  • Anika Tarasiewicz

    Anika Tarasiewicz


    Took my car there as it wouldn't start. I have been a customer there for years now. Excellent customer service, prices could be a bit cheaper however I am never disappointed with the work. I always feel like my car is in good hands and when I bring it in, they figure out what is wrong and never have the need to return for any issues. Highly recommend.

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